Sunday, December 23, 2007

The Frost Family 2007

I think everyone got my email, so I'll spare the lengthy explanation of our eventful year. :) And if you didn't get it, it's posted on our family blog. Just wanted to say what I'm grateful for and leave my testimony for you all this Christmastime.

Christmas is a great time to reflect on life. I remember when I wrecked Mom's car on the freeway and thought, "Why me?" Chad was the lucky one that got to pick me up. When I started whining and complaining, he put me in line and let me know that life really isn't all that bad. For some reason, this has stuck with me for a long time. We have things pretty great, you know? One of the greatest blessings we've all be given is the gospel of Jesus Christ. We were raised by loving parents who believed strongly in our Savior and testified of the truthfulness of His gospel to us on a daily basis. I'm grateful for this. Because of their love and their example, I can tell you that I have a testimony of our Savior. He loves me & He loves you. He knows each one of us & He has felt pain for each one of us, too. There's no better friend than our Savior if we'll let Him be a part of our lives. I know this.

I love each one of you. You've all touched my life in one way or another, and you've impressed me with your strength & love. Even though we're pretty spread out in age, I can think of times when you, individually, had an impact on me. That's pretty neat. Just know that I care about you & love you, too. Merry Christmas!

Love, Lori & the rest of the Frost Family... Allen & Benson

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